Has your trademark been infringed?
Need help enforcing it?
If you'd like us to evaluate your trademark infringement case, your trademark enforcement submission should include:
1) A phone number where you can be reached between the hours of 9AM-6PM EST.
2) Your trademark number, if your trademark is registered.
3) If the trademark is a common-law mark (not registered), the date of first usage
4) A description of the infringement, along with information on the infringing company and an estimate of sales volume
Please send your submission package to GPC via one of the following methods:
Email: info @ generalpatent.com
Fax: 845.368.8770
General Patent Corporation
Montebello Park
75 Montebello Rd.
Suffern, NY 10901-3740
ATTN: Director of Licensing
Or if you wish, give us a call at 845.368.4000 to discuss your situation before submitting materials.