GPC Media Coverage - "Nokia patents bump up cost for Microsoft"

Microsoft entered into a deal with Nokia this month to purchase almost all of Nokia's Devices & Services business, license Nokia's patents, and license and use Nokia's mapping services, according to a Microsoft press release. The way the deal is structured has raised some eyebrows, since the IP isn't being sold along with the rest of the business. Alexander Poltorak talked to the Financial Times ( about why this kind of transaction makes good financial sense for Nokia.

Wall Street Journal - "General Patent Corporation Settles Patent Infringement Lawsuit with Weichert"

The Wall Street Journal reported the news of General Patent Corporation's settlement with Weichert Lead Network on behalf of GPC subsidiary Data Distribution Technologies. ("General Patent Corporation Settles Patent Infringement Lawsuit with Weichert" Wall Street Journal - July 3, 2013)

Wall Street Journal - "Inventors, Trolls, Patents and Improving the System"

Alexander Poltorak, the Founder and Chairman of American Innovators for Patent Reform as well as Chairman and CEO of General Patent Corporation, wrote a letter to the editor in response to an op-ed piece by Senator Chuck Schumer. Dr. Poltorak's letter explains why the focus on patent trolls is misdirected. ("Inventors, Trolls, Patents and Improving the System" Wall Street Journal − June 26, 2013)

Wall Street Journal - "Image Processing Technologies and Canon Settle Patent Lawsuit"

The Wall Street Journal published GPC's news release about the settlement between Image Processing Technologies LLC and Canon U.S.A. Image Processing is a subsidiary of GPC and owns a portfolio of 11 patents related to image processing algorithms commonly used in scene detection and other features of digital point and shoot cameras. ("Image Processing Technologies and Canon Settle Patent Lawsuit" Wall Street Journal - May 22, 2013)

Wall Street Journal - "Inventors Race to File Patents"

With the U.S. Patent Office changing to a "first-to-file" system on March 16, the race to file patent applications ahead of that change has kept many patent law firms frantically busy for the past few weeks. Patent experts including GPC's Alexander Poltorak had predicted that this would be the outcome of the America Invents Act - and that smaller inventors will be the biggest losers under the new system. ("Inventors Race to File Patents" Wall Street Journal - March 14, 2013)