GPC Media Coverage

National Law Journal - "Commerce Department voices support for patent reform bill amendment"

National Law Journal: In an April 22 article about the Patent Reform Act of 2009 ("Commerce Department voices support for patent reform bill amendment"), GPC’s CEO, Alexander Poltorak – who is also the founder and President of American Innovators for Patent Reform (AIPR) – was quoted extensively.

Law360 - "Leighton Licenses RFID Patents To HID Global"

"Leighton Licenses RFID Patents To HID Global,", November 30, 2009 (Subscription required) - General Patent Corp. announced that HID Global Corp. has entered a licensing agreement as part of the settlement of two suits it filed against patent-holding company Leighton Technologies LLC and its founder over patents related to the lamination process for contactless radio frequency identification “smart” cards.